CoffeeScript Object Notation

Atom uses a configuration format called “CSON” for all of its configuration files. While it is possible to use JSON instead, getting used to CSON is pretty easy and I think that CSON is a better file format for configuration files than JSON is due to its simplicity. (It has a lot in common with YAML, another common configuration file format.)

CSON is short for CoffeeScript Object Notation. It works identically to the more common JSON. As a matter of fact, almost all JSON is valid CSON. But, CSON can be written more easily and compact if certain conventions are followed. If you indent the CSON in a typical way, you are allowed to omit the curly braces ({ and }) and commas (,). For example, this JSON:

  "foo": 5,
  "bar": {
    "baz": false

Is completely equivalent to this CSON:

"foo": 5
  "baz": false

Notice the only changes were to remove the curly braces, the comma and reduce the indentation by one level (because the outermost object declaration is assumed).